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  • Bottom Bouncer Basics for Walleye

    Bottom Bouncer Basics for Walleye

    By Jason Mitchell

    In both North and South Dakota, bottom bouncer rigs have been catching walleye on the Missouri River reservoirs for an awfully long time. The popularity of bottom bouncers however has expanded far and wide. Come mid-summer, bottom bouncers are probably my go to presentation to catch walleyes day in and day out on many different fisheries. The reason bottom bouncers are so effective is the simple versatility. You can speed up to cover water at over two miles per...
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  • Slip Bobber Walleyes

    Slip Bobber Walleyes

    By Jason Mitchell

    On so many natural lakes, slip bobbers are deadly on walleye. Particularly early in the season. Cold fronts, crashing water temps and dirty water accompanied by strong winds might absolutely wreck many bites but slip bobbers still seem to catch fish during the tough conditions. Tough to beat a lively leech squirming in place just for the sake of catching walleye. The other reality however with slip bobber fishing is that finding fish is a probe. You must pick...
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